Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cake for Breakfast

My children had birthday cake for breakfast.
Lisa was here and made a cake for him (Lizzy would have also been happy to do it), even though he told us he would not be able to come. We were hoping, which was unreasonable of us because he works from noon to 10:00 p.m. Friday through Monday. We will save him a piece for a day or two, just in case he shows up. It looks moist and delicious, but I cannot tell you how good it was because I did not have any.


  1. This looks divine. I shall print it out now. : )
    Have a cozy day. my dear friend!

  2. Cake for one's birthday (and their "birthday boxing day", as I've long enjoyed calling the day immediately following a birthday) should be a law! :) How can a day so sweet and special not start off on an equally sweet and wonderful note? This chocolate cake looks immensely tasty and reminds me that my own birthday is rounding the corner again in precisely one day shy of two months now. Blink twice, I'm sure, and it will be here! :)

    Big hugs & many happy wishes for a serene and beautiful Sunday,
    ♥ Jessica
